A lot of time and energy goes into creating a comic book. Below are the bios of some of our talented creators..


Len Mihalovich:

Len created the Section 12 series way back in 1992. He followed his dream of having it published which would come true a year later when it debuted as one of the feature stories of Dilemma Presents by Dilemma Productions a small publishing company in western Massachusetts.

Later Len would go on to write, contribute, consult, speak and be used as a reference on a large number of comics and comic related projects; most notable on that list are Stan Lee, Harvard School of Business and Wizard Magazine. Len quickly realized in the world of Independent comics it isn't enough to just be a writer, so he added a digital touch to the comic books by lettering the stories and adding colors to them as well. Len is very excited to be working on Section 12 again with the goal to make an enjoyable super-hero comic similar to the stories he grew up with adding high quality digital finishes.

Phil Miller:

Phil is a commercial artist who has too many credits to list here. He has done everything from toy packaging to invest portfolios.

His past comic credits include: Section 12 from Mythic Comics, Adventures of Track Suit Man from Lenovations Press, 401Comics, Johnny Lightning Comics, and an educational series from Graphics Library.

Phil does the pencils and inks on the Section 12 books. He has been feverishly drawing Section 12 characters for the past year for the new books. This has been a labor of love for Phil and we can't wait to see some of new illustrations he has come up with.